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Recent News and Commentary
Background on Operation Rescue / Operation Save America
Past Operation Rescue / Operation Save America events
- Dayton, Ohio, July 1997
- Orlando, Florida, January and May-June, 1998
- See the Gay Day Orlando news archive for complete coverage of this week by a number of newspapers and wire services.
- Operation Rescue Stages Disney Protest - Data Lounge, January 2, 1998
- Operation Rescue Vows to Hit Orlando "Gay Days" - Data Lounge, April 14, 1998
- Two more Florida women's clinics vandalized - CNN, May 23, 1998
- Anti-abortion group to protest gay fest at Disney - Reuters, May 27, 1998, via Skeptic Tank
- Operation Rescue plans to crash gays' Disney party - CNN, June 5, 1998
- Buffalo and Rochester, New York, April 1999
- St. Louis, Missouri, July - August, 2000
- Wichita, Kansas, July 2001
- Dallas, Texas, July 2002
- Charlotte, North Carolina, July 2003
- Other
- Abortion protesters ordered to pay couple $8.65 million - CNN News Briefs, October 26, 1995
- Operation Rescue campaign gets kids' attention - CNN, March 3, 1997
- Falwell Denounces Operation Rescue - Christianity Today, May 18, 1998
- Operation Miscue - Ben Ehrenreich, LA Weekly, April 11, 2002, via
- All about Operation Rescue and their tactics - - The BACAOR flyer quoted probably dates from the late 1980's.